Ep603 – CPS Visits Ethan Klein, Anthony v. Opie, Stuttering John, Howard Stern

We start things off by showing that Steel Toe’s Aaron Imholte accused his enemy (Patrick Melton) of doing something lame (dressing up his dog) only to be proven wrong, and his response is to double down and continue to gaslight his audience. He doesn’t seem to care about credibility at all. Then we analyze Ethan Klein’s potential drug problem and can’t help but notice his battle against the internet is not going well.

Adam Busch joins the show to discuss the potential hazards of injecting yourself into the conflict in the Middle East. Turns out a lot of people are passionate about that. The guys on Pro Wrestle Clips talked about us. Financial Audit with Caleb Hammer had a closeted Mormon on with a credit card full of OnlyFans charges. A couple of guys who hung out all night with Stuttering John after his comedy show call in and tell us all about getting a ride from John to the bar and buying him beers all night. We also find out how cheap John’s dad was. A guy on the Howard Stern Show mentioned his script?? Oops! Opie decides not to listen to Anthony’s radio show but continue to talk about it all week anyway. Anthony’s show gets syndication after the first episode and Opie doesn’t know how to react. Finally, Annie joins us for another round 2 Minutes with Tom Myers, a lack of reviews, and your voicemails.

Annie’s website – https://www.insanneity.com/

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By |2025-03-13T15:08:04+00:00March 13, 2025|Episodes|0 Comments

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