Banter is on point this week as the boys discuss Aaron Imholte’s settlement, Anthony Cumia’s pay on WABC, and Ethan Klein’s alleged drug problem. After a gay parody of Old Town Road they watch some dudes making fun of the good deeds videos guys like Keenan Bank create. On YouTube Delete Lawz used to have a bizarre busines, the scary McKamey Manor channel has gone in a different direction, and John Cerasani is going long form to become the world’s best casino influencer. On Instagram a couple shows off their diet of raw, fermented, and rotten meat while a woman blasts off. Rosie O’Donnell is gone – she took one of her kids to Ireland to start a new life away from that mean orange guy in the White House. On TikTok a divorced man with a kid is dating AI, Danielle tells us when our dead pets visit us, a fat and queer first year teacher lectures her students, and Woke Dad just might save all of the vulnerable children.
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