Who Are These Podcasts?2023-03-19T18:52:57+00:00

Ep570 – The GUD PUD Pudcast

Henry and Jackie Zebrowski are doing a spin-off show from The Last Podcast on the Left. Rather than laugh about true crime, on this show they talk about pudding. And don’t mention yogurt, they get very upset when you mention yogurt. I don’t want . . .

November 14, 2024|0 Comments

Ep569 – Crash With Us

This show features five adults who think they have funny and/or interesting things to say. And no, I’m not talking about WATP. Crash With Us features five real-life Chip Chippersons which, in small doses, is actually pretty incredible.

Bryan Johnson from Tell Em Steve . . .

November 10, 2024|0 Comments

Ep95 – Rational Reactions

This week Blind Mike and Karl are watching videos of post-election meltdowns, but not just any post-election meltdowns. These are the people who are abusing their young children by making them think the sky is falling and they’re in imminent danger. Also, Blind Mike . . .

November 8, 2024|0 Comments

Ep568 – Growing Up Italian

This week we’re checking out some Italian guys in NYC talking about things Italians like such as pizza and pasta. I’m sure Italians like something else but I haven’t seen any evidence. Their guest is some young social media flash in the pan known . . .

November 7, 2024|0 Comments
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